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“pertaining to”
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“pertaining to”
(Greek > Latin: suffix; from French -aque, or directly from Latin -acus, from Greek -akos forming adjectives. This suffix was used to form names of arts and sciences in Greek and it is now generally used to form new names of sciences in English; meanings, "related to, of the nature of, pertaining to, referring to")
(Latin: suffix; pertaining to, like, of the kind of, relating to, characterized by, belonging to; action of, process of)
(Latin: a suffix that forms nouns; pertaining to, like; connected with, belonging to, resembling)
(Latin: a suffix; pertaining to, of the nature of, like; denoting an agent)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of)
(Latin: of, pertaining to, or resembling hair; minute [hairlike] blood vessels that connect the arterioles and the venules)
(Greek: crowlike; used in the specialized sense of "pertaining to, or connected to the coracoid, the bony process that forms part of the scapular arch [and is so named because its shape resembles that of a crow's beak"])
(Greek: -etikos, an adjective suffix meaning "pertaining to, of the nature of" for nouns ending in -esis)
(Latin: iron; pertaining to, or containing iron)
(Latin: a suffix that forms English adjectives from Latin adjectives ending with -is or -ius with meanings about "pertaining to, relating to", or "characterized by")
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)
(Latin: a suffix; meaning, state, condition; having, being, pertaining to, tending to, inclinded to)
(Latin: suffix; ability to, capable of, suitable for; pertaining to, like, belonging to, tending to)
(Latin: a suffix; pertaining to)
(Latin: poppy; used in extended senses to mean "pertaining to, containing, or derived from opium")
(Latin: pertaining to, or having scurvy [a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C in the body, characterized by weakness, anemia, spongy gums, bleeding from the mucous membranes, etc.])
(Latin: of, relating to, or resembling; compound of the suffixes -ule, "little, small" and -ar, "pertaining to, of the nature of, like"; and so, -ular is a combining form meaning: referring to something "specified": appendicular, molecular, pedicular; as well as, a combining form meaning "resembling" something specified: circular, globular, tubular)
(Latin: fat, fatty; lard; of or pertaining to fat; fleshy)
(Latin: rustic, rural; pertaining to the fields; from ager then agrestis, "field")
(Greek > Latin: depending on chance or luck; pertaining to gambling; rolling of dice; game of hazard or chance)
(Greek: cave, cavern; in medicine, of or pertaining to a [bodily] cavity or sinus; a term in anatomical nomenclature, especially to designate a cavity or chamber within a bone)
(Greek: of, or pertaining to "god of war", Ares or Mars, used primarily in astronomy)
(Latin: a suffix forming adjectives from nouns ending in -ary; a person who, a thing that; a person who is a part of something, pertaining to one's state or condition; a person who has a connection with or belief in the stated subject; a promotor of something; a native or inhabitant of someplace; someone of a certain age)
(Greek: joint, pertaining to the joints or connecting bone structures)
(Latin: a suffix; a person who, a place where, a thing which, or pertaining to; connected with; having the character of; apparatus)
(Greek: star, stars, star shaped; also pertaining to outer space)
(Greek > Latin: Atlanticus, pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean or to Mount Atlas; from the Atlas mountains)
(Greek: germ, bud; shoot, formative cell or layer; of or pertaining to an embryonic or germinal stage of development)
(Greek: eyelid; of or pertaining to the eyelid[s] or eyelash[es])
(Greek: shell; husk; cup [of a flower], used primarily in the specialized senses of "pertaining to or of a cup-shaped bodily organ or cavity"; also a reference to the "cup-shaped ring of sepals encasing a flower bud")
(Latin: flat space, plain; of or pertaining to fields)
(Greek: hemp; of or pertaining to hemp's chemical components or derivatives.)
(Greek: heart, pertaining to the heart)
(Latin: a storeroom, a chamber, a closet; by extension, of or pertaining to a cell, a microscopic protoplasmic mass made up of a nucleus enclosed in a semipermeable membrane)
(Greek: hollow; abdomen; hernia; used primarily in the sense of concave; pertaining to a bodily cavity)
(Greek: hand; pertaining to the hand or hands)
(Greek (khylos) > Latin (chylus): juice, to pour; pertaining to chyle, the milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fat that is a product of the digestive process)
(Latin: key; to enclose, to comprise, to involve; to fit together, or to work together; pertaining to the collarbone [so named because of its keylike shape])
(Greek: spiral shell, snail with a spiral shell; pertaining to the cochlea, the spiral tube in the inner ear)
(Greek: glue; used in the sense of "pertaining to a colloid, a gelatinous [gluelike] substance in which particle matter is suspended")
(Latin: horny, hornlike; horny [tissue] pertaining to the cornea, the horny transparent anterior portion of the external covering of the eyes)
(Latin: bark, rind; literally, that which is "stripped off"; used in its extended senses, chief among these being "pertaining to the outer layer of a bodily organ, especially the brain")
(Greek: ring; used in the extended sense of pertaining to the [ring-shaped] cartilage that forms the back and lower part of the laryngeal cavity)
(Greek: embryo, fetus; pertaining to pregnancy or to a fetus)
(Greek > Latin: traveler, trader, merchant; a trading place, market; pertaining to trade or traveling)
(Greek: daybreak, dawn, red of the dawn sky; primarily used in naming chemical compounds, especially pertaining to red stain or dye)
(Latin: pertaining to summer; heat, fire; the ebb and flow of the sea, tide)
(Latin: face, pertaining to the face; countenance; form, make, set in place, do)
(Latin: band, bandage; bundle, bunch; used in the extended sense of "pertaining to the fascia", a band or sheet of fibrous tissue providing a subcutaneous covering for various parts of the body)
(Latin: of or pertaining to Gaul)
(Greek: from gamet[e], "wife" and gamet[es], "husband" [from gamein, "to marry"]; used chiefly as "pertaining to a gamete, a mature reproductive cell")
(Greek: marriage, union; wedding; pertaining to sexual union)
(Greek > Latin: swelling, a knot; center of a cavity; nerve center; pertaining to a mass of nerve tissue)
(Greek > Latin: race, kind; line of descent; origin, creation; pertaining to sexual relations, reproduction, or heredity; and more recently, a gene or genes)
(Latin: pertaining to the Teutonic people of central Europe [possibly from a Celtic word meaning "neighbor"], similar to Old Irish gair, "neighbor"; pertaining to Germany)
(Greek: tissue [web]; beam or warp of a loom; hence, that which is woven; a web or tissue; used in the sense of pertaining to [body] tissue)
(Latin: shoulder, upper arm; pertaining to the bone that extends from the shoulder to the elbow)
(Greek: glass, glassy; transparent; pertaining to the vitreous humor or surrounding membrane)
(Greek: track, trace, footprint; pertaining to fossil footprints)
(Greek: peculiar, one's own, personal, private; of or pertaining to one's self, distinct, separate, alone)
(Latin: unbound, free from, pure; pertaining to protection against or freedom from disease)
(Latin: pertaining to the law, legal)
(Latin > Italian: a suffix; seashore; pertaining to the seashore)
(Latin: pertaining to mourning, mournful, painful; lament, bewail)
(Latin: wolf [pertaining to or connected with a "wolf"])
(Greek: pertaining to midwifery; obstetric; serving to elicit ideas [said of the Socratic method of teaching])
(Latin: pertaining to a husband or marriage; used as a prefix)
(Greek: breast; used in the specialized sense as "of or pertaining to the breast-shaped mastoid process of the temporal bone)
(Greek > Latin: [mekonion to meconium] of or pertaining to the poppy, poppy-juice; opium)
(Middle English, from Old French mineral from Middle Latin minerale, "pertaining to mines", from minera, "mine")
(Greek: thread, that which is spun; pertaining to a thread-like structure used in many scientific terms)
(Latin: to smell; pertaining to the sense of smell; scent; to cause to smell at)
(Greek: navel, umbilicus; pertaining to the navel or to the umbilicus)
(Greek: dance, pertaining to dancing)
(Greek: an organized structure; pertaining to a specific bodily part with a specific function or set of functions; instrument, tool, implement)
(Greek: to smell; pertaining to odor or to the sense of smell)
(Greek [pelagos] > Latin [pelagicus]: sea, pertaining to the sea or ocean)
(Greek: breath, wind; pertaining to air or gas; bellows, bladder, bubble; swollen; as seen in many modern scientific terms)
(Greek: war, warlike, pertaining to war; battle)
(Greek: gray; pertaining to the "gray matter" of the nervous system, brain, and the spinal cord)
(Greek: used as a suffix; sale, selling; one who sells; pertaining to selling, to sell; trade, barter)
(Latin: "little root"; pertaining to nerve roots)
(Latin: tallow, suet, fat, fatty; grease; by extension, "pertaining to a suetlike secretion of the body")
(Latin: from Old French seculer; from Late Latin sæcularis, worldly, living in the world, not belonging to a religious order; from saecularis, pertaining to a generation or age; from saeculum, saeclum, period of a man's life, generation; period of a hundred years)
(Greek: sigmoeides, shaped like the letter sigma; pertaining to the sigmoid flexure, the S-shaped bend in the colon; a combining form that usually denotes the sigmoid colon)
(Latin: seed, germ; pertaining to semen)
(Greek: pertaining to the thyroid gland)
(Latin: pertaining to the navel, umbilical cord; a protuberance or swelling; related to umbo, the boss [a convex elevation or knob] of a shield)
(Latin: of, or pertaining to, a cow; a bovine)
(Latin: evening; pertaining to the evening)
(Latin: life, living, pertaining to life, essential to life)