You searched for: “perplex
bewilder, perplex, puzzle, puzzle
bewilder (bi WIL duhr) (verb)
To confuse, to perplex, or to lose one's bearings: The many choices of activities in the city served only to bewilder the traveler.
perplex (puhr PLEKS) (verb)
To be unable to think logically or clearly about something; to make intricate or involved: The situation served only to perplex and to confuse the two sisters.
puzzle (PUZ uhl) (noun)
1. A question or problem that requires thought, skill, or cleverness to be answered or solved: Researchers are close to finding a solution, but they haven't found the final pieces of the puzzle.
2. A problem or situation that is difficult to solve: On Saturday afternoon, the family worked on the crossword puzzle that was in the newspaper.

The cause of the accident was a real puzzle for the investigators to resolve.

puzzle (PUZ uhl) (verb)
To confuse people or to be difficult for anyone to understand: The crime continued to puzzle the police.

This word puzzle in the newspaper is going to perplex Clarence for a long time. There are several possible right answers and it will continue to bewilder him until he asks for help so he can finish the puzzle.

perplex (verb), perplexes; perplexed; perplexing
1. To confuse or to upset someone very much with doubt or uncertainty: Willie was perplexing his mother very much because he refused to take a shower after working out and having such strong body orders.
2. To make something complicated and intricate: Mary had serious depressions which were perplexing her regular physician and so he strongly urged her to see a psychiatrist who has had experience treating patients with such conditions.
perplex, puzzle, puzzle
perplex (puhr PLEKS) (verb)
1. To be unable to think clearly or decisively about something; to baffle: It will perplex Justin all evening if he is unable to resolve the mystery.
2. To make something intricate or complicated; to confuse: Keith's explanation of the map only served to perplex Brittney further.
puzzle (PUHZ uhl) (verb)
1. To present a mental challenge or to offer a situation that is difficult to solve: Arthur tried to puzzle Henry with the complicated mathematical equations.
2. To resolve a question or situation with ingenuity: Lucinda was able to puzzle her way out of the challenging word quiz.
puzzle (PUHZ uhl) (noun)
A challenging game designed to amuse while requiring ingenuity to resolve or to complete: On rainy days, Bonita enjoyed working on the 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of 50 different cats.

The riddle, presented as a puzzle, continued to perplex Melba because she could not figure out the answer.