You searched for: “peduncular
peduncle, peduncular
1. The stalk that attaches a single flower, flower cluster, or fruit to the stem.
2. A stalk supporting an animal organ; such as, the eye-stalk of a lobster.
3. A part resembling a stalk in shape or function, e.g. the base of a fish's tail or a structure attaching an invertebrate animal to the place where it lives.
4. In botany,the stem or stalk that supports the fructification of a plant, and of course, the fruit.
5. Etymology: from modern Latin pedunculus, "small foot"; from Latin ped- "foot".
This entry is located in the following units: ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia (page 8) -uncle + (page 1)