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An intense aversion of dolls or children: If you have paedophobia, it wouldn't be wise to become a teacher at an elementary school where the students are from about 6 to 12 years old!
This entry is located in the following unit:
phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(page 29)
An abnormal fear of children, including infants: Mr. and Mrs. Jones didn't have any kids of their own and were quite tense and anxious when they visited their friend's new baby, and they decided that, since they had pedophobia, they didn't want a youngster of their own!
This entry is located in the following units:
pedo-, paedo-, ped-, paed-, paido-, paid-
(page 4)
phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(page 31)