You searched for: “peals
peal (s) (noun), peals (pl)
1. A loud resonance: There was a peal of thunder that could be heard throughout the region.

A peal of clanging bells could be heard across the meadow.

Janine could hear the peal of bells coming from the church in the valley.
2. A loud, easily heard sound: Sean could hear the peal of laughter coming from the auditorium during the funny song and dance routine.

This entry is located in the following unit: pel-, -pell, -pellent, -peal (page 2)
peal (verb), peals; pealed; pealling
1. To sound with a loud noise, toll, or ring: The friends lived close to the church in town and could hear the church bells peal every hour.
2. To utter or sound loudly: Valerie was so upset that she pealed forth loudly with uminaginable grief.
This entry is located in the following unit: pel-, -pell, -pellent, -peal (page 2)