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lyso-, lyo-, -lysin, -lys-, -lysis, -lytic, -lyt-, -lyz-
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para-, par-
(page 6)
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(Greek: stroke, blow, strike; paralysis)
Word Entries containing the term:
A loss of muscle tone, loss or reduction of tendon reflexes, atrophy, and degeneration of muscles: Flaccid paralysis is a result of lesions of the lower motor neurons of the spinal cord.
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flacc-, flacci-
(page 1)
glossopharyngeal paralysis
Absence of sensation in the pharynx and over the posterior third of the tongue, and the loss of the palatal and pharyngeal reflexes; such as, the gag reflex, resulting from a lesion involving the glossopharyngeal or ninth cranial nerve or its nucleus.
This entry is located in the following unit:
glosso-, gloss-, -glossa, -glossia
(page 4)
hysterical paralysis, paraplegia
Muscle weakness, or paralysis, without loss of reflex activity, in which no organic lesion can be demonstrated.
This entry is located in the following units:
hystero-, hyster-, hysteri- +
(page 2)
para-, par-
(page 2)
-plegia, -pleg, -plegic, -plegy, plego-, pleg-
(page 2)
labioglossolaryngeal paralysis
A form of bulbar paralysis (weakness and atrophy of the muscles) involving the lips, tongue, and the larynx.
This entry is located in the following unit:
glosso-, gloss-, -glossa, -glossia
(page 6)
labioglossopharyngeal paralysis
Paralysis of the lips, tongue, and the pharynx; or the hollow tube that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the trachea (windpipe) and esophagus (the tube that goes to the stomach).
This entry is located in the following unit:
glosso-, gloss-, -glossa, -glossia
(page 6)