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1. A performance using body movements without words: Mona is an actress who utilizes pantomimes as part of her dramatic actions.
2. A form of communication by means of gestures and facial expressions: Those who are deaf communicate with pantomimes instead of trying to hear people who are talking.
3. In ancient Rome, a theatrical performance by one masked actor who played all the characters, using only dance, gesture, and expression, and no words: In a stage drama, or pantomime in the capital of Italy, a chorus narrated the story while the tale itself was portrayed by only one person who didn't speak at all.
4. Etymology: "mime actor", from Latin pantomimus, "mime, dancer"; from Greek pantomimos, "actor"; literally, "imitator of all"; from panto-, "all" + mimos, "imitator".

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2. A form of communication by means of gestures and facial expressions: Those who are deaf communicate with pantomimes instead of trying to hear people who are talking.
3. In ancient Rome, a theatrical performance by one masked actor who played all the characters, using only dance, gesture, and expression, and no words: In a stage drama, or pantomime in the capital of Italy, a chorus narrated the story while the tale itself was portrayed by only one person who didn't speak at all.
4. Etymology: "mime actor", from Latin pantomimus, "mime, dancer"; from Greek pantomimos, "actor"; literally, "imitator of all"; from panto-, "all" + mimos, "imitator".

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This entry is located in the following units:
mimo-, mim-, -mimesis, -mimia, -mimetic, -mime, -mimic, -mimical, -mimically
(page 3)
pan-, panto-, pant-
(page 5)