You searched for: “pane
pain, pain, pane
pain (PAYN) (verb)
To suffer or to cause distress: It will pain Harry to tell his friend about the accident.
pain (PAYN) (noun)
1. A bodily sensation characterized by discomfort and suffering: Mary was in severe pain with a broken hip that was caused by falling down the stairs.
2. An individual who annoys or is troublesome to others: Lorna's brother is a pain when he gets into her school projects.
3. An acute emotional upset or disruption: The pain of separation broke Marie's heart.
pane (PAYN) (noun)
1. A sheet of glass framed for a window or other opening of a building: The glassier installed the new pane in the front door.
2. A side of a bolt head or nut: The flat pane of the screw made it easy to hang on to while Luis tightened the nut with the pliers.

If a broken glass window were to have sense perceptions, isn't it obvious that it would feel a pain in the pane?