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A medical drug that is used to facilitate parturition: Jane's doctor informed her that an oxytocic was an agent that was applied to induce labor by activating the contractions of the uterus muscles.
This entry is located in the following unit:
toco-, toko-, toc-, tok-, -tocy, -toky, -tocia, -tokia, -tocous, -tokous +
(page 2)
oxytocic (adjective), more oxytocic, most oxytocic
Referring to, or characterizing the acceleration of labor and childbirth: An oxytocic medication or drug was used to hasten the delivery of Susan's baby.
This entry is located in the following units:
oxy-, -oxia, -oxic
(page 6)
toco-, toko-, toc-, tok-, -tocy, -toky, -tocia, -tokia, -tocous, -tokous +
(page 2)