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oxyrhine, oxyrhinous (adjective); more oxyrhine, most oxyrhine; more oxyrhinous, most oxyrhinous
1. Sharp-nosed, sharp-snouted: For her report on frogs, Meg decided to sketch a picture of an oxyrhine frog which had a very sharp snout.
2. Possessing an acute sense of smell: Lois thought her sister was oxyrhine because of her overwhelming and keen perception of odors or aromas of things with her olfactory sense!
2. Possessing an acute sense of smell: Lois thought her sister was oxyrhine because of her overwhelming and keen perception of odors or aromas of things with her olfactory sense!
This entry is located in the following units:
oxy-, -oxia, -oxic
(page 6)
rhino-, rhin-, -rhine, -rrhine, -rhinous, -rrhinous
(page 3)
oxyrrhine, oxyrhine
Sharp-nosed, sharp-snouted; or having a sharp-pointed nose.
This entry is located in the following unit:
rhino-, rhin-, -rhine, -rrhine, -rhinous, -rrhinous
(page 3)