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An abnormal fear of multitudes of people, or of being in places swarming with people, or in populated areas: Some people who suffer from ochlophobia go to a lot of trouble to find less crowded neighborhoods in countrysides or even more isolated places in mountains or forests so they can live as far away from others as possible.

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Doug, a shy boy, suffered from enochlophobia and offered his friends excuses for not going to the outdoor rock concert by saying that he was afraid of getting lost, getting a disease from someone in the mass of people, or maybe even being trampled!

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
This entry is located in the following units:
ochlo-, ochl- +
(page 1)
phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(page 14)
Word Entries at Get Words:
An excessive fear of crowds, or of being in crowded places, or even living in heavily populated areas. (2)
This entry is located in the following unit:
Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
(page 58)