You searched for: “number
number (s) (noun), numbers (pl)
1. An arithmetical value, expressed by a word, a symbol, or a figure, representing a particular quantity and used when figuring up and making calculations and for showing the order in a series or for identification: Ted's biology teacher dialed the phone number so she could tell the bookstore the number of textbooks she wanted to order for her students.
2. A collection of individual things which can be added up and referring to things that are physically or which are symbolically separate, not merely separable into units: The symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. and the words, one, two, three, four, five, etc. are numbers.

An "amount" emphasizes the whole, while a number focuses on the parts; such as, an "amount" of money; a number of coins.

A "quantity" stresses measurement in bulk (a bunch of apples are in the bag), a number stresses individual items (six apples are on the plate).

When Jacob moved to a smaller apartment, a number of his books had to be given away to the local library.

A number of seats are still available at the theater.

Numbers of people complained when the proposed shutdown of the local grocery store was announced.

3. In grammar, a word form that indicates one person or thing or refers to more than one: The numbers used in grammar are "singular" (one) and "plural" (two or more).
This entry is located in the following unit: numer-, number- (page 3)
number (verbs), numbers; numbered; numbering
1. To specify an amount or quantity: The investors in the company numbered in the thousands.
2. To include or to classify as a member of a group: The university numbers 2,000 students that are attending classes so far this year.

The population of the town now numbers 10,000.

3. To indicate a position in a series: Each document was numbered in a sequence.
4. To identify people or things in a series: Maude numbers the times that she does each exercise at the fitness studio.

Mrs. Jackson told her students to take out a sheet of paper and to number it from 1 to 15 down the side for the quiz.

Dr. Herbert Kyle was numbered by his students as one of the best professors in the university.

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number, number
number (NUM buhr) (noun)
A figure, symbol, or word used in calculating quantities of individual things: Roland was counting one number at a time in order to determine how many items were lost during the rainstorm.
number (NUM uhr) (adjective)
Descriptive of a person being unable or only partially able to feel sensation or pain; deadened or anesthetized more than previously: The gums around Bill's teeth were number than they were ten minutes before.

Rosetta didn't have any more words to say because her mind had a tendency to grow number with each additional effort; besides, after a number of injections, her jaw also became number.

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Units related to: “number
(Greek: number)
(number, search engine, eye actions, protector of the eyes)
(index of links to a vast number of words with illustrations)
(Greek: even, matching; even number)
(Latin: two, twice, double, twofold; a number; it normally functions as a prefix)
(Greek: number two; twice, divided, double; unalike; a number used as a prefix)
(Latin: two, double; a word element for the number "2")
(Microfluidic Optical Fibers)
(the revitalization of Christianity into the English culture did much to re-establish a significant number of Latin vocabulary into the English language)
(an accurate count is impossible)
(Latin: to speak; utterance, expression, manifestation; expressed in a number of ways)
(Greek: six; a number used as a prefix)
(Greek: the number twenty; used as a prefix)
(Greek: one, alone, single; a number used as a prefix)
(Latin: nine; a number used as a prefix)
(Latin: distribution; to count, to reckon)
(Latin: foot, feet; people often see this ped element in other words. When people refer to "pedal extremities", they mean "feet". When anyone pushes the pedals of a bicycle, it is done with the feet. A pedestrian must use the feet for walking. A quadruped has four feet while a centipede has "100 feet"; or a large number of them because it may be impossible to count all of them.)
(Greek: five; a number used as a prefix)
(Greek: in botany, a suffix combining form meaning, "having a certain number or a certain shape of petals")
(Latin: four, fourth; a word element for number 4)
(Latin: five, fifth; a word element for number 5)
(Latin: seven, seventh; a word element for number 7)
(Latin: six, sixth; a word element for number 6)
(Greek: four; a number used as a prefix)
(Greek > Latin: a numerical prefix meaning, three, thrice, threefold; triple; a word element for number 3)
(Greek: third; a number which is often used as a prefix)
(Latin: one, single; a word element for number 1)
Word Entries containing the term: “number
apocalyptic number (s) (noun) (no plural form)
The number 666, applied to the Beast in the book of Revelation, chapter 13, verse 18 of the New Testament of the Bible: Examples of apocalyptic numbers are shown in the following quotes: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible, 1611.

"This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred sixty-six."

The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version, 1953.
This entry is located in the following units: apo-, ap-, aph- (page 1) calypto-, calypt- (page 1) numer-, number- (page 1)
astronomical tidal constituent (noun), harmonic constituent, tidal constituent, constituent number (s); harmonic constituents, tidal constituents, constituent numbers (pl)
One of the harmonic elements in mathematical expressions and formulas for the forces and strong currents of the oceans: As an oceanographer, it was Hickory's responsibility to calculate the astronomical tidal constituent in the local harbor.
This entry is located in the following units: astro-, astr- (page 6) numer-, number- (page 1)
cardinal number (s) (noun), cardinal numbers (pl)
A number that indicates a principal quantity: Cardinal numbers are the primary "one", "two", "three", "four", etc. as opposed to ordinal numbers "first", "second", "third", "fourth", etc.

This entry is located in the following unit: cardin- (page 1)
electron lepton number (s) (noun), electron lepton numbers (pl)
The number of very small particles and associated neutrinos minus the number of positrons and associated antineutrinos: As an engineer, Mildred made a careful study of the electron lepton numbers during her analysis of colliding atoms in the air, noting that they were generating more electrons as well as x-rays and gamma rays.
This entry is located in the following units: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 49) numer-, number- (page 2)
electron number (s) (noun), electron numbers (pl)
The quantity of negative charges in atoms or ions: Jack and all the other chemistry students had to memorize the electron numbers from the chart that the teacher presented to them.
This entry is located in the following units: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 50) numer-, number- (page 2)
ISBN number (s) (noun), ISBN numbers (pl)
Intenational Standard Book Number number: The use of ISBN followed by the word number is an excessive use of the word.
This entry is located in the following units: numer-, number- (page 3) Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 11)
A unit at Get Words related to: “number
(A suffix forming nouns meaning: quality or condition: partnership; act, power, or skill: workmanship; relation between: friendship; office, position, or occupation: governorship; number: readership)
(many blended words have entered English since the 1800's; a significant number of which are corporate brand names)
(a description in which plants can be produced in containers filled with water and a number of other non-soil contents)
(numerical fun is available for you here)
(there are many words which may be rarely seen by a vast number of people; however, they have been existing and they are still available for one's use or enlightenment)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “number
abstract number
A number with no associated units.
This entry is located in the following unit: Measurements and Mathematics Terms (page 1)
Avogadro's number, Avogadro's constant
The number of carbon atoms in twelve grams of the carbon-12 isotope.

The relative atomic mass of any element, expressed in grams, contains this number of atoms.

It is named for an Italian physicist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856).

This entry is located in the following unit: Measurements and Mathematics Terms (page 2)
condensation number
In physics, the ratio of the number of molecules condensing on a surface to the total number of molecules touching that surface.
This entry is located in the following units: Geography Terms + (page 3) Measurements and Mathematics Terms (page 5)
number theory
The study of the properties of numbers, and the relationships between them.
numer-, number-
Latin: distribution; to count, to reckon; in this unit.
Think of any single number greater than zero; such as, 1 to 9.
Multiply the number of your choice by 3. Add 1. Multiply by 3. Add the original number to the result.

The answer will always end with 3. Delete the 3, and the remaining figure will be the original number that you started with.

This entry is located in the following unit: Number Challenges (page 1)
whole number
A number which doesn't contain a fraction.

A whole number is an integer which has one or more units and can be positive or negative.

This entry is located in the following unit: Measurements and Mathematics Terms (page 10)
Write a number out that contains the letter a
The first numerical word that consists of the letter a is "one thousand"; believe it, or not.
This entry is located in the following unit: Number Challenges (page 1)