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normalize (verb), normalizes; normalized; normalizing
1. To make something, or someone, conform to a standard: The chief administrator at Tom's school, Mr. Barrett, tried to normalize the school day by developing a system of in class and out of class activities.
2. To make regular or average, especially to cause someone to respond to a standard: Dr. Jones tried to normalize Janet's body temperature because it was too high caused by her flu.
3. To make a text or language regular and consistent, especially with respect to spelling or style: Using compatible dictionaries helped Kitty Hawk normalize her writing skills to meet the expectations of her editor.
4. To heat steel above a specific temperature and then to cool it in order to reduce internal stress: Helmut, the foreman at the foundry, was normalizing the steel that was to be used for the construction of the bridge.
2. To make regular or average, especially to cause someone to respond to a standard: Dr. Jones tried to normalize Janet's body temperature because it was too high caused by her flu.
3. To make a text or language regular and consistent, especially with respect to spelling or style: Using compatible dictionaries helped Kitty Hawk normalize her writing skills to meet the expectations of her editor.
4. To heat steel above a specific temperature and then to cool it in order to reduce internal stress: Helmut, the foreman at the foundry, was normalizing the steel that was to be used for the construction of the bridge.