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Mycetozoa (proper noun)
An order of rhizopod protozoans that includes the slime molds when they are regarded as animals: The Mycetozoa is the designation for slime molds that show both animal and plant characteristics during their life span. The slime molds are peculiar protists that normally take the form of amoebae, but under certain conditions develop fruiting bodies that release spores, superficially similar to the sporangia of fungi.
They should not be confused with true molds, which are actually fungi. Although cosmopolitan in distribution, they are usually small and rarely noticed. There are several different groups.
This entry is located in the following units:
myco-, myc-, myceto-, mycet-, -myces, -mycetous, -mycetic, -mycetous, -mycosis +
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myx-, myxo- +
(page 1)
zoo-, zoa-, zo-, -zoic, -zoid, -zoite, -zoal, -zonal, -zooid, -zoon, -zoa, -zoan
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