2. Pertaining to, consisting of, or resembling a thick, slippery protective medium: The mucous membrane is a thin, wet layer of skin that is inside some part of the body; such as, the nose and throat, which produces mucus.
In Fay's favorite science fiction book, the victim was covered with mucous, which was disgusting because it reminded her of the mucus secreted by the slugs in her garden.
2. A viscid fluid secreted by mucous membranes and glands, consisting of mucin, leukocytes, inorganic salts, water, and epithelial cells (tissue that forms a thin protective layer on exposed bodily surfaces and forms the lining of internal cavities, ducts, and organs).
3. A thick, slimy fluid of mucous membranes and glands, composed of mucin, water, desquamated cells (peeled off in scales), leukocytes, and various inorganic salts; secreted by glands lining the nasal, esophageal, and other body cavities.
It is mainly composed of a substance called mucin, which varies according to the particular mucous membrane from which it is derived, and it contains other substances; such as, cells cast off from the surface of the membrane, enzymes, and dust particles.
Under normal conditions, the surface of a mucous membrane is lubricated by only a small quantity of mucus; the appearance of large quantities is a sign of inflammation.

It is indicative of the presence of estrogen, which alters the concentration of sodium chloride in the mucus.
Although IBS can cause chronic recurrent discomfort, it does not lead to any serious organ problems.
Making the diagnosis usually involves excluding other illnesses. Treatment is directed toward relief of symptoms and includes changes in diet (eating high fiber and avoiding caffeine, milk products and sweeteners), exercise, relaxation techniques, and medications.