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mode, mode, mowed
mode (MOHD) (noun)
Common fashion or style: Effie liked to dress in the current mode.
As a teacher, Ryan sometimes used the latest mode of hip vocabulary when talking with his students.
mode (MOHD) (adjective)
Referring to the most frequently occurring value in a set of data: The mode number in the list the teacher put on the blackboard was three.
mowed (MOHD) (verb)
To have cut down something; for example, grass: Douglas mowed the lawn yesterday morning while it was still cool.
In the mode of the day, the landscape artist mowed the lawn into artistic patterns which were very impressive.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Confusing Words Clarified: Group M; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 4)
Word Entries at Get Words:
mow (verb), mows; mowed; mowing
To cut something; such as, grass, with a blade or a machine: Estella can hear her neighbor mowing his lawn with his loud motorized machine.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group M
(page 4)