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(Latin: mother, mama, mom; mum [British])
(Greek: mother [family member])
(Gaia, Earth goddess of the ancient Greeks, she was called Gaea, Terra Mater, "Earth Mother" by the Romans; third planet from the sun)
(Greek: mother-in-law; father-in-law)
(Latin: flat cake; cakelike mass, especially the uterine organ that connects the mother to the child by way of the umbilical cord)
Word Entries containing the term:
biological mother
This entry is located in the following unit:
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(page 18)
Dogma is a mother dog with puppies.
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paraprosdokian, paraprosdokia
(page 3)
1. A woman who bears a child for another person, often for pay, either through artificial insemination or by carrying until birth another woman's surgically implanted fertilized egg: Recently on TV, there was a woman in California who was hired to be a surrogate mother for a Chinese couple.
2. One that acts as, serves as, or is a substitute mother: When little Tom's parents were killed in an automobile accident, his aunt who was taking care of him at the time became his surrogate mother.
2. One that acts as, serves as, or is a substitute mother: When little Tom's parents were killed in an automobile accident, his aunt who was taking care of him at the time became his surrogate mother.
This entry is located in the following unit:
rog-, roga-, -rogate, -rogation, -rogatory
(page 3)
working mother
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Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 25)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
The city that is responsible for sending out a colony.
It usually provided the equipment and the founder, or chief official, for the colony.
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Herodotus, The Fifth-Century B.C. Greek Traveler and Historian
(page 1)