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“most recumbent”
recumbent (adjective), more recumbent, most recumbent
1. Lying down in a position of comfort or rest: The Egyptian sphinx has the body of a recumbent lion just like the recumbent lions at the zoo.
2. A plant or animal part that rests or leans against something else: The recumbent posture of Robetta's cat suggested she was sound asleep and reposing on the pillow.
3. Referring to a slanting or reclining posture; such as, of the Romans during their meals: The mosaics on the wall showed the recumbent Romans while eating.
4. Reposing; inactive; idle: The recumbent hikers were resting before they had to go back to their camp.
2. A plant or animal part that rests or leans against something else: The recumbent posture of Robetta's cat suggested she was sound asleep and reposing on the pillow.
3. Referring to a slanting or reclining posture; such as, of the Romans during their meals: The mosaics on the wall showed the recumbent Romans while eating.
4. Reposing; inactive; idle: The recumbent hikers were resting before they had to go back to their camp.
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