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“most photosensitive”
photosensitive (adjective), more photosensitive, most photosensitive
1. Reacting to incident electromagnetic radiation, especially visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light: Huston used photosensitive paper for his experiments which involved exposing plants to various kinds of radiation during his studies in botany.
2. Concerning an abnormally heightened reactivity to sunlight: Some of the plants in the sun room were photosensitive to the sunshine that poured through the windows in the morning.
2. Concerning an abnormally heightened reactivity to sunlight: Some of the plants in the sun room were photosensitive to the sunshine that poured through the windows in the morning.
This entry is located in the following units:
photo-, phot-, -photic
(page 14)
senso-, sens-, sensi-, sensori-, sent-
(page 5)