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“most intervocalic”
intervocalic (adjective), more intervocalic, most intervocalic
A description of a speech sound that occurs, or is inserted, between vowels; for example, between one word that ends with a vowel and another word that starts with a vowel: Some intervocalic sounds can be found in such words as "metal" and "batter"; the consonant in the term "metal" is a "t" placed between the two vowels "e" and "a", and so the "t" sounds like a "d"; in "batter", the letter "t" appears twice and is between the vowels "a" and "e" and, when pronounced, sound like "badder".
This entry is located in the following units:
inter-, intero-
(page 17)
voc-, voca-, vocab-, vocat-, -vocation, -vocative, -vocable, vok-, -voke
(page 3)