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“most a fortiori”
a fortiori (a fohr" tee OH ee, ay fohr" tee OH righ") (adverb), more a fortiori, most a fortiori
Conveying all the more so; with an even greater or stronger reason: Literally, a fortiori means from the stronger point and it is used to introduce a statement that, assuming a previous statement is accepted as true, must be all the more true.
If statement "A" is true, then a fortiori statement "B" must be true; for example, if students can't or won't do twenty minutes of homework each night, then a fortiori, they can't or won't do sixty minutes each night.
This entry is located in the following units:
fort-, forc-
(page 1)
Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A
(page 1)