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“more vague”
vague (adjective); vaguer, more vague; vaguest, most vague
1. Not clear in meaning or intention: The travel agent made a vague schedule for Bill's tour of Canada.
5. Etymology: from Middle French vague, from Latin vagus, "wandering, rambling, vacillating".
When the man was asked what happened, he could only respond with the vaguest answers that didn't clarify the situation.
2. Not having a clear or perceptible form: Steve could only see the vaguest form in the shadows of the forest.While Tamika and Helena were walking on the mountain trail, they only had a vague idea as to where they were.
When Hans and Darla asked their son what he wanted to do after high school, he was more vague about his plans for the future than before.
While driving in the sudden rainstorm, Eugenia was scarcely able to see the vague figures of the cars in front of her.
3. Not clearly felt, understood, or recalled: Jim's mother only had a vague recollection of what happened when she fell down.Dena's grandfather only had vague memories about his life during the last ten years.
After Mildred started her new job, she had a vague feeling that it was not the kind of work that she wanted to do.
4. Unclear or incoherent in thinking or expression: Mr. Smith, the investigating officer, had a vague impression that the suspect was withholding significant information.5. Etymology: from Middle French vague, from Latin vagus, "wandering, rambling, vacillating".
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