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“more plethoric”
plethoric, more plethoric, most plethoric (adjectives)
1. Excessive in quantity; overabundant; excessive in style.
2. Overfull; turgid; inflated: "He made a plethoric, pompous speech."
3. Pertaining to, or characterized by plethora.
4. Marked by an excess of blood.
5. By extension, a red florid complexion: sanguine, sanguineous.
2. Overfull; turgid; inflated: "He made a plethoric, pompous speech."
3. Pertaining to, or characterized by plethora.
4. Marked by an excess of blood.
5. By extension, a red florid complexion: sanguine, sanguineous.
This entry is located in the following units:
ple-, pleini-, plen-, plet-
(page 4)
plethor-, plethysmo-
(page 1)