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monopolize (verb), monopolizes; monopolized; monopolizing
1. To have complete control of an industry or service and prevent other companies or people from participating or competing in it: The firm monopolized the import of bananas so that other smaller firms didn't have a chance to sell them at all!
2. To demand or take all of something, such as someone's time, attention, or affection: Little Jimmy loved swinging in the garden and didn't let his sister swing at all and therefore he monopolized the swing completely!

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2. To demand or take all of something, such as someone's time, attention, or affection: Little Jimmy loved swinging in the garden and didn't let his sister swing at all and therefore he monopolized the swing completely!

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This entry is located in the following units:
(page 7)
mono-, mon-
(page 11)
-poly, -pole, -polism, -polist, -polists, -polistic, -polistically +
(page 1)