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(Greek: ape, monkey)
Word Entries containing the term:
platyrrhine, platyrhine: flat-nose monkey
1. In zoology, a monkey belonging to the infraorder Platyrrhini of the order Primates, distinguished by a flattened nose with widely separated nostrils facing outwards and including most of the New World monkeys.
2. Of or pertaining to this group of monkeys which have the nose, or the nasal bones, flat or broad; a platyrrhine person or skull.
2. Of or pertaining to this group of monkeys which have the nose, or the nasal bones, flat or broad; a platyrrhine person or skull.
This entry is located in the following units:
(page 15)
platy-, plat-, platino-, platt-
(page 4)
rhino-, rhin-, -rhine, -rrhine, -rhinous, -rrhinous
(page 4)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
Having a face that resembles a monkey: There are all kinds of facial types, but there is no doubt that this pumpkin closely resembles that of a smiling monkey face.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Pumpkin Sculptures or Carvings
(page 1)