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(Greek: milk)
(Latin: milk)
(Greek: fluid [distinct from blood] that flows through the veins of the gods; by extension, "watery part of blood or milk," used in the sense of "thin, serous or sanious fluid, especially from a wound or sore")
(Greek: breast; the front of the human chest and either of two soft rounded organs on each side of the chest in women and men; however, with women the organs are more prominent and produce milk after childbirth; also, a milk-producing gland in mammals that corresponds to the human breast)
Word Entries containing the term:
A white liquid that comes from cows, goats, and sheep which has been thickened, or concentrated, by removing some of the water by reducing it: "Evaporated milk consists of unsweetened milk that is made by evaporating some of the water from the whole milk."
"Evaporated milk is labeled as enriched whole milk that is concentrated, sterilized, and often canned."
This entry is located in the following unit:
vapori-, vapor-, vapo-
(page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: