You searched for: “microradiography
1. A technique that enlarges X-ray radiographs so that fine, or very small, details can be examined.
2. Radiography under conditions that permit subsequent microscopic examination, or enlargement, of the radiograph up to several hundred linear magnifications.
This entry is located in the following unit: grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia (page 54)
Word Entries containing the term: “microradiography
electron microradiography
The photographic recording and later enlarging of very thin specimens, using an electron beam to form the image.
electronic microradiography
1. A procedure in which electrons released from microscopic irradiated objects are used to produce a photographic image.
2. Microradiography of very thin specimens in which the emission of electrons from an irradiated object, either the specimen or a lead screen behind it, is used to produce a photographic image of the specimen, which is then enlarged.

Microradiography is a technique for the study of surfaces of solids by monochromatic-radiation (such as X-ray) contrast effects shown by means of projection or enlargement of a contact radiograph.