You searched for:
1. A treatise or description of metals.
2. The descriptive science relating to the internal structure of metals.
3. A printing-process akin to lithography, in which metal plates are used instead of stones.
2. The descriptive science relating to the internal structure of metals.
3. A printing-process akin to lithography, in which metal plates are used instead of stones.
This entry is located in the following unit:
grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia
(page 53)
Word Entries containing the term:
electron metallography
The study of the microscopic structure of metals using an electron microscope.
This entry is located in the following units:
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 50)
grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia
(page 30)