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ballo-, ball-, balo-, bolo-, bol-, -bola, -bole, -bolic, -bolism, -bolite, -boly
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meta-, met-, meth-
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Word Entries containing the term:
metabolic acidosis (MEH tuh BAH lik AH sih DOH sis)
A condition in which the blood is too acidic.
It may be caused by severe illness or sepsis, or bacteria in the bloodstream.
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meta-, met-, meth-
(page 2)
metabolic craniopathy, metabolic encephalopathy (s) (noun); metabolic craniopathies; metabolic encephalopathies (pl)
Encephalopathy characterized by memory loss, vertigo, and generalized weakness: Metabolic craniopathy is due to a metabolic brain disease including hypoxia (abnormal oxygen reduction), ischemia (low oxygen condition because of inadequate blood flow), hypoglycaemia (abnormally diminished concentration of glucose in the blood), or secondary to another organ failure, such as the liver or kidney.
This entry is located in the following units:
cranio-, crani-, cran- +
(page 6)
path-, patho-, -path-, -pathia, -pathic, -pathology, -pathetic, -pathize, -pathy
(page 14)
A condition in which normal chemical processes in which a plant or an animal uses food, water, etc. in order to grow and to make energy are disrupted; usually, because of a missing enzyme: Joe had to see his doctor regarding his metabolic disorder before it developed into a more serious condition.
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meta-, met-, meth-
(page 2)
ord-, ordinato-, -ordin-, -ordinate, -ordinating, -ordinated
(page 2)
metabolic therapy (MEH tuh BAH lik THAYR uh pee)
Treatment to correct changes in metabolism that can be caused by disease.
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meta-, met-, meth-
(page 2)
therap-, -therapeutic[s], -therapeutically, -therapy, -therapies, -therapist
(page 9)