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1. The third germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and endoderm which gives rise to the connective tissues, muscles, urogenital system, vascular system, and the epithelial lining of the coelom.
1. The germ layer (the third distinct layer of cells formed during an embryo's early stages of development) which forms many muscles, the circulatory and excretory systems, and the dermis, skeleton, and other supportive and connective tissues.
1. The germ layer (the third distinct layer of cells formed during an embryo's early stages of development) which forms many muscles, the circulatory and excretory systems, and the dermis, skeleton, and other supportive and connective tissues.
This entry is located in the following units:
dermo-, derm-, derma-, dermato-, dermat-, -derm, -derma, -dermatic, -dermatous, -dermis, -dermal, -dermic, -dermoid, -dermatoid
(page 17)
meso-, mes-, mesi-
(page 4)