You searched for:
1. Pertaining to the mind, psyche, or inner self, as in mental health, mental powers, or mental suffering.
2. A reference to the intellectual or cognitive functions, as distinct from the affective and conative, as in mental test.
3. Imaginary or unreal, as when a pain is said to be merely mental.
4. Pertaining to, or affected by a disorder of the mind: a mental patient; mental illness.
5. Providing care for people with disordered minds, emotions, etc.: a mental hospital.
6. Performed by or existing in the mind: mental arithmetic; a mental note.
2. A reference to the intellectual or cognitive functions, as distinct from the affective and conative, as in mental test.
3. Imaginary or unreal, as when a pain is said to be merely mental.
4. Pertaining to, or affected by a disorder of the mind: a mental patient; mental illness.
5. Providing care for people with disordered minds, emotions, etc.: a mental hospital.
6. Performed by or existing in the mind: mental arithmetic; a mental note.
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menti-, ment-
(page 2)
mental (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to or relating to the chin: Brian had a mental pain and so he had difficulty in talking or eating.
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
(page 1)

Units related to:
(Latin: mens, mentalis; mind, intellectual faculties; mental; memory)
(Latin: mentum, the chin)
(Latin: a sharp edge or point; mental acuity, sharpness of vision)
(be aware of the effects of oxytocin in nasal sprays)
(Greek idein > Latin idea; the result of a mental processes)
(Greek: a specific mental disorder or obsessive preoccupation with something; madness, frenzy; obsession, or abnormal desire for or with something or someone; also, an excessive enthusiasm or fondness for something that is not safe or advantageous)
(Greek: mind, brain; the midriff or the diaphragm; mental disorder)
(thinking that you can be successful in achieving an objective is a vital mental condition, but thinking that you can not do it is almost a guarantee that you will not be successful as indicated by Walter Wintle)
(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life; literally, "that which breathes" or "breathing")
(aspects of the imagination that are usually seen when the eyes are closed or images of mental thoughts)
Word Entries containing the term:
A primary blood vessel that is a branch of the maxillary (upper jaw bone) which supplies blood and structure to the skin of the face and to the subcutaneous tissues of the chin: Dr. Abbington told Mack that it would be necessary to arrange for additional examinations to see what was wrong with his mental artery.
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
(page 1)
mental competence
The ability to perform cognitive functions; such as, thinking, comprehending, deliberating, and judging in accordance with a person's age and training.
An opening on the lateral (side) part of the body of the mandible (lower jaw), inferior to (below) the second premolar teeth, through which the nerves to the chin and blood vessels pass: The mental foramen transmits the mental nerves and vessels to the skin of the face.
A mental foramen (natural opening, usually through the bone) functions as the passage of blood vessels and a nerve on the outside of the lower jaw on each side near the chin.
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for-, fora- +
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
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A branch of the inferior alveolar (tip of the tongue) nerve that emerges from the bone of the mandible near the bottom of the jaw: The mental nerve divides into branches which are distributed to the skin of the chin and the mucous membranes of the lower lip.
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
(page 1)
A midline swelling on the base of the mandible on its anterior (front) surface where the two sides of the jaw come together: Just lateral to Chelsea's mental protuberance (bulge or swelling), on both sides, are the slightly more pronounced mental tubercles (outgrowths).
The bony mental protuberance is located at the front of Jake's lower jaw and forms his chin.
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
(page 1)
mental retardation
Intellectual functioning that is significantly below average and is associated with impairment in social adjustment, manifested prior to maturity; usually early in life.
The term is specifically defined in different nations and by some professional organizations, but no single definition is accepted worldwide.
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-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(page 63)
menti-, ment-
(page 2)
tard- +
(page 1)
A dense elevation that extends from the symphysis menti (abnormal adhesion of two or more structures in the center front of the lower jaw) to the premolar area on the anterolateral aspect (in front and on each side) of the body of the lower jaw: Dr. Levi was trying to explain to Gilberto that it is possible to improve the condition of the mental ridge of his chin.
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
(page 1)
Either of two small elevations on the inner surface of each side of the symphysis (abnormal attachment) of the lower jaw of which the upper one on each side provides attachment for the genioglossus (tongue muscle) and the lower for the geniohyoid muscle which consists of the chin and hyoid (U-shaped bone at the root of the tongue): The medical instructor, Dr. Reynolds, explained to his students the anatomical structures of the mental spines in the mouths of humans.
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
(page 1)
mental thought
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menti-, ment-
(page 2)
Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 13)
mental tubercle (noun), mental tubercles (pl)
One of a bilateral pair of bulges on the lower border of the face: The mental tubercle of the lower jaw has a prominence on each side of the chin which is also called a genial tubercle or a small rounded nodule or elevation.
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mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
(page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words:
mento-, ment-, menti-; mental [chin]
Latin: mentum, the chin unit.
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Completed Units in Word Info and Get Words Sites That Have Been Enhanced and Upgraded
(page 8)
(the advantages of self determination in fulfilling your objectives and belief in your aspirations can improve your mental control and enhance your health)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
The four greatest risks to your mental health
1. Excessive consumption of television.
2. Neglect of reading challenging materials.
3. Lack of stimulating conversation.
4. Avoidance of challenging word (vocabulary) acquisitions from a variety of perspectives.
2. Neglect of reading challenging materials.
3. Lack of stimulating conversation.
4. Avoidance of challenging word (vocabulary) acquisitions from a variety of perspectives.
Its not what you get, its what you keep that counts!
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Focusing on Words Newsletter #08
(page 1)