Word Entries containing the term:
arachnoid membrane
(s) (noun), arachnoid membranes
One of the tissue layers covering the brain and the spinal cord: Arachnoiditis is the name applied to inflammation of the arachnoid membrane.
chorioallantoic membrane
Extraembryonic membrane formed in birds and reptiles by the apposition of the allantois to the inner face of the chorion.
The chorioallantoic membrane is highly vascularized and is used experimentally as a site upon which to place pieces of tissue in order to test their invasive capacity.
fenestrated membrane
(s) (noun), fenestrated membranes
A very thin layer of body tissue that covers something with one or more openings (fenestrae), as found in large arteries.
ionic membrane
1. In chemical engineering, a semipermeable membrane that allows the electrophoretic passage (movement of electrically charged particles in a fluid under the influence of an electric field) of ions when an electric field is applied.
2. Semipermeable membrane that conducts electricity; the application of an electric field to the membrane achieves an electrophoretic movement of ions through the membrane; used in electrodialysis.
ion-permeable membrane
A film or sheet of a substance which is preferentially permeable to some species or types of ions.
liquid membrane electrode
An electrode in which the sensing membrane is made up of a hydrophobic ion-exchange neutral carrier (ionophore) dissolved in a viscous, water-insoluble solvent.
The liquid membrane is physically supported by an inert porous matrix; such as, cellulose acetate.
mucous membrane
1. The mucus-secreting epithelial lining of cavities and canals that opens to the exterior of the body.
2. The general name given to the membrane that lines many of the hollow organs of the body.
These membranes vary widely in structure in different sites, but all have the common character of being lubricated by mucus.
It is derived in some cases from isolated cells on the surface of the membrane, but more generally from definite glands placed beneath the membrane, and opening here and there through it via ducts.
The air passages, the gastrointestinal tract, and the ducts of glands that open into it; and also the urinary passages, are all lined by mucous membrane.
mucous membrane, tunica mucosa
The lubricated inner lining of the mouth, nasal passages, vagina and urethra, and any membrane or lining which contains mucous secreting glands.
polymer membrane electrode
An electrode in which the sensing membrane is an organic polymer containing a hydrophobic ion-exchange neutral carrier (ionophore).
serous membrane
One of the delicate membranes of connective tissue that line the internal cavities of the body.
solid-state membrane electrode, solid state membrane electrode
An electrode in which the sensing membrane is made of a single crystal or a pressed pellet containing the salt of the ion to be sensed.
tympanic membrane, membrana tympani
The eardrum.
vapor-permeable membrane
(s) (noun),vapor-permeable membranes
In medicine, a very thin layer of material, usually transparent, through which oxygen and liquid can pass: "Vapor-permeable membranes may be prepared with an adhesive backing that will stick only to dry skin. This type of vapor-permeable membrane has been used in treating wounds."
A vapor-permeable membrane must be applied properly without wrinkles and changed as often as necessary to prevent an excess accumulation of fluid and bacteria under it.
vitelline membrane
The membrane that encloses a fertilized egg.