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media (MEE dee uh) (plural of medium)
1. The primary means of mass communication, especially, by newspapers, radio, and television, is regarded collectively by the reporters, journalists, etc., who work for organizations engaged in such presentations of information: The use of media, instead of "medium" with the meaning of "a mass medium", as with journalism and television, has become widespread in English.
3. In entomology, the principal vein in the basic pattern of insect wing venation: Jeffrey studied his biology book regarding insects and found out that media referred to the main blood vessel in the movable organ for flying in butterflies, which was posterior to the radius and anterior to the cubitus.

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The use of media like "agenda" and "data" seems to be well established as a singular.
2. In anatomy, the middle layer of the wall of a blood vessel or lymphatic vessel: Jane learned in her biology class that the media of the artery was composed of connective muscular tissues.3. In entomology, the principal vein in the basic pattern of insect wing venation: Jeffrey studied his biology book regarding insects and found out that media referred to the main blood vessel in the movable organ for flying in butterflies, which was posterior to the radius and anterior to the cubitus.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
This entry is located in the following units:
Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group M
(page 2)
medio-, medi-
(page 2)
media, median, median, medium, medium
media (MEE dee uh) (noun)
The plural form of "medium", often with reference to advertisements or news disseminations: The media reporting on political issues covered the politician's speech and legislative experiences.
median (MEE dee uhn) (noun)
Characterized by being in the middle position: The median on the highway was planted with flowers.
median (MEE dee uhn) (adjective)
Regarding something which has a middle value in a distribution arranged from the smallest to the largest: What is the median price of homes in this area?
medium (MEE dee uhm) (adjective)
Pertaining to the middle position in relation to others: Bruce was of average or medium height compared to the other players on the team.
medium (MEE dee uhm) (noun)
1. A substance by which something is conveyed: The metal in electricity cables is a medium for conveying electricity.
2. An individual through whom messages are passed to and from the dead to those living and the other way around, too: Clarence's aunt was believed by many to be a medium through whom they could pass messages to their departed loved ones.
3. A liquid used by painters in which color pigmentation is mixed: Some artists use egg yolk as the medium for their pictures.
2. An individual through whom messages are passed to and from the dead to those living and the other way around, too: Clarence's aunt was believed by many to be a medium through whom they could pass messages to their departed loved ones.
3. A liquid used by painters in which color pigmentation is mixed: Some artists use egg yolk as the medium for their pictures.
The media talked much about the artist and the new medium which she used for her paintings; however, the art critic assessed the sale value of her works in the medium range.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group M; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 3)

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(Latin: medium is the neuter form of the adjective medius, meaning "middle"; as well as, a neuter noun meaning, "the middle")
Word Entries containing the term:
Via media.
The middle way.
The moderate course of action between two extremes.
The name is given, in particular, to the High Anglican doctrine of the Caroline divines, revived by the Tractarians (1833-43), and thought to be at once the middle and true course between pure Protestantism and "the errors of Rome" (The Roman Cathkolic Church).
This entry is located in the following units:
Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group V
(page 3)
medio-, medi-
(page 6)
(English phrases which are often badly phrased on signs in public places and other media)
(words being used in news media headlines, subheadings, and excerpts from applicable articles with certain words being listed in bold and defined separately)
(an exhibition of words that appear in headlines and sub-headlines which all of us should know)
(lists of words used in context from various printed media; including, statements that help readers determine how words function in various contents)
(a collection of English words that have been used in the titles of articles from various printed media)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
media worker
In polymorphic ant series involving three or more worker subcastes, an individual belonging to the medium-sized subcaste or subcastes.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Ant and Related Entomology Terms
(page 11)
Words at Work in the Print Media: INDEX
Lists of words being used in news media headlines, subheadings, and excerpts from applicable articles.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Index or Menu of Various Topics
(page 2)