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matron, matronly
1. A woman, especially a married woman of middle age or later, who has had children and is thought of as being mature, sensible, and of good social standing.
2. The chief nursing officer in a small hospital with total responsibility for nursing services and supervisory responsibility for services other than medical services which directly affect patient care; such as, catering and domestic services.
3. A female attendant or guard, as in a woman's prison, rest room, hospital, school, etc.
4. Etymology: "a married woman" (usually one of rank), from Old French matrone; from Latin matrona, "married woman"; from mater, matris, "mother".
2. The chief nursing officer in a small hospital with total responsibility for nursing services and supervisory responsibility for services other than medical services which directly affect patient care; such as, catering and domestic services.
3. A female attendant or guard, as in a woman's prison, rest room, hospital, school, etc.
4. Etymology: "a married woman" (usually one of rank), from Old French matrone; from Latin matrona, "married woman"; from mater, matris, "mother".
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mater-, matri-, matro- matr- +
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