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material, material, materiel, matériel
material (muh TIR ee uhl) (adjective)
Relating to something which has real significance or consequence: The material facts of the investigation were presented to the judge.
material (muh TIR ee uhl) (noun)
1. Something tangible or physically present: The fabric, or material of Dina's new dress is dark green.
3. Information which is the object of study: The course outline for Tony's class indicated the material that would be covered each week.
The food bank provided the material that was needed to help support a hungry community.
2. That which can be refined into a more finished form: Shanna's research provided new material for the biography she was writing about the painter.3. Information which is the object of study: The course outline for Tony's class indicated the material that would be covered each week.
materiel (muh tir" ee EL) (noun)
Equipment used by a group or organization: Nell and Luis will try out the camping gear or materiel on the weekend.
matériel (muh tir" ee EL) (noun)
French version for equipment or hardware: Matériel is an alternate spelling for "materiel".
The material for Billy's research project was to compare the response of the purchasing public to reading about a new material for camping equipment versus reading about a new matériel. He wanted to determine if the foreign sounding word affected the choice of the customers.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group M; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 3)