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materialize (verb), materializes; materialized; materializing
1. To come into being or to appear suddenly, as if out of nowhere: A truck suddenly materialized out of the fog on the highway.
2. To become a reality or to become a fact: The military unit found that their support did not materialize as they had expected it would.
3. To cause a supposed ghost or spirit to assume a physical form: While Pete was at the graveyard late one evening, he was shocked to see what he thought was a man materializing out of the fog and walking past him.

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2. To become a reality or to become a fact: The military unit found that their support did not materialize as they had expected it would.
3. To cause a supposed ghost or spirit to assume a physical form: While Pete was at the graveyard late one evening, he was shocked to see what he thought was a man materializing out of the fog and walking past him.