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The rounded protrusion of bone just behind the ear.
The mastoid was once thought to look like a breast; hence its name.
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mastoido-, mastoid- +
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-oid, -oidal, -oidism, -odic
(page 13)
(Greek: breast; used in the specialized sense as "of or pertaining to the breast-shaped mastoid process of the temporal bone)
Word Entries containing the term:
mastoid angle
The posterior inferior corner of the parietal bone where it articulates with the mastoid part of the temporal bone.
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mastoido-, mastoid- +
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mastoid process
1. A nipple-shaped process of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone extending downward and forward behind the external auditory meatus.
The auditory, or acoustic, meatus consists of two passages in the ear; the external acoustic meatus leads from the auricle to the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and the internal acoustic meatus which is for the passage of nerves and blood vessels.
2. The nipple-like projection of the petrous (hard, stony) part of the temporal bone or a very complex bone situated in the side of the skull of most mammals and containing the organ of hearing.
This entry is located in the following unit:
mastoido-, mastoid- +
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