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masticate (MAS ti kayt") (verb), masticates; masticated; masticating
1. To chew, grind, or pulverize food inside the mouth using the teeth and jaws until it becomes soft and liquid before letting it go down the throat and into the stomach: Tina told her children that they should masticate their food well before swallowing it and not to just gobble and gulp it down!
2. Etymology: from Latin masticare, from the Greek mastikhan, "to grind the teeth".

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2. Etymology: from Latin masticare, from the Greek mastikhan, "to grind the teeth".

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Word Entries containing the term:
masticating apparatus, masticatory apparatus, stomatognathic system, masticatory system organs of mastication
All of the structures involved in mastication, including the teeth, jaws, temporomandibular joint (jaw joint formed by the mandible [lower jaw bone] moving against the temporal [temple and side] bone of the skull), muscles of mastication, tongue, and the associated nervous system.
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par-, para-
(page 3)
Word Entries at Get Words:
To chew or to grind food inside the mouth by using the teeth and jaws. (1)
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Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
(page 53)