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Martin, Robert (Bob) Monroe. (Memoirs)
Memories of Experiences while Living and Traveling in Many Parts of the World.
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Memoirs and Profiles Directory
(page 1)
(First Steps, Benicia, California; Summer, 1942)
(Shards of a tyke, San Francisco, California, 1942-43)
(People who made a difference, 1943-58, San Francisco)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(Memories of Experiences while Living and Traveling in Many Parts of the World)
(A world-traveler's personal experiences)
(S.O.S. Mursi-Mursi)
Word Entries containing the term:
marten, Martian, Martian martin
marten (MAHR t'n) (noun)
Any of a number of weasel like animals: Greg saw the marten dive into the crack in the rock to hide.
Martian (MAHR shuhn) (noun)
A hypothetical inhabitant of the planet Mars; especially, as a stock fictional character: Janine claimed that she saw a flying saucer out of which stepped a blue Martian.
Martian (MAHR shuhn) (adjective)
Of or relating to the planet Mars or its hypothetical inhabitants: The astronauts imagined that a Martian ship was moving in outer space.
martin (MAHR t'n) (noun)
1. A European swallow with distinctive features; such as, a forked tail: Cleo loved to watch the martin dart across the sky in search of insects.
Marvin built a house for the flock of martins that usually came each spring.
2. When capitalized, it can be used as a male’s first name or a family name: Debora's friend, Martin, is coming for a visit in two weeks.
Nell's nephew, Martin, enjoyed going for hikes in the mountains and once he reported that he saw a lively brown marten by the side of the trail.
Then, going across the valley, he said that he had also seen a martin swoop down to skim the river, catching bugs, and then, as he looked up, he claimed that a Martian ship was landing on the hill top.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group M; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 2)
Memoir #1: Bobby Martin; First Steps
Memoir, First Steps, Benicia, California; Summer, 1942.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #2: Bob Martin; Memories of childhood
Memoir, Shards of a tyke, San Francisco, California, 1942-43.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #3: Robert Martin; People Who Made a Difference
Memoir, People Who Made a Difference, 1943-58, San Francisco.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #4: Robert M. Martin; African Safari, 1963; Part 1
African Safari, 1963, Part 1.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #4: Robert M. Martin; African Safari, 1963; Part 2
African Safari, 1963, Part 2.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #4: Robert M. Martin; African Safari, 1963; Part 3
African Safari, 1963, Part 3.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #4: Robert M. Martin; African Safari, 1963; Part 4
African Safari, 1963, Part 4.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #7: Robert M. Martin; Iraq, 1965
Memoir, A trip from Tanzania to Iraq in 1965.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)
Memoir #8: Robert M. Martin; Sudan, 1972
Memoir, About problems in Sudan, 1972.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Memoir Directory: Bob Martin
(page 1)