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magnificence (noun), magnificences (pl)
1. Glory; greatness of nature or reputation: When the tourists entered the cathedral, they were astounded at the magnificence of the huge church and the long history it had.
2. A title of respect applied to a monarch or other imposing and eminent person, used with a possessive adjective: In the play at school, the king was addressed by the peasant girl who said, "Your Magnificence, may I ask a favour?"
3. Splendor or sumptuousness of surroundings, adornments, etc.; majesty or grandness on display: On the tour inside the palace, the family was speechless at the brilliance and lavishness of the walls, furniture, and greatness of the living quarters of the former kings and queens.
4. Grandeur or imposing beauty of language, speech, music, etc.: The magnificence of the mosaic on the floors, walls and ceiling of the church certainly could not be surpassed!
5. Great liberality: Magnificence is said to be shown on the part of some rulers of people.
2. A title of respect applied to a monarch or other imposing and eminent person, used with a possessive adjective: In the play at school, the king was addressed by the peasant girl who said, "Your Magnificence, may I ask a favour?"
3. Splendor or sumptuousness of surroundings, adornments, etc.; majesty or grandness on display: On the tour inside the palace, the family was speechless at the brilliance and lavishness of the walls, furniture, and greatness of the living quarters of the former kings and queens.
4. Grandeur or imposing beauty of language, speech, music, etc.: The magnificence of the mosaic on the floors, walls and ceiling of the church certainly could not be surpassed!
5. Great liberality: Magnificence is said to be shown on the part of some rulers of people.
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fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(page 20)
magni-, magn-; magna
(page 1)