The existence of an electric field is made known by its effect on another electric charge, and the existence of a magnetic field can be made known by its effect on another magnet.
A field around a magnet or an electric current will deflect a small magnet; such as, a compass needle, in a particular direction when it is placed in such a field.
The direction in which the north pole of the magnet points is normally called the direction of the field and the direction of the field generally follows curved lines of force.
Included are the fields produced by light, radio, X-rays, and gamma rays and the higher the frequency of the fields produced, the more energy is contained.
2. The combination of electric and magnetic fields that surround moving electrical charges (for example, electrons); such as, those in electric currents.Electromagnetic fields apply a force on other charges and can induce current flows in nearby conductors.
3. An oscillating electric field and its associated magnetic field acting at right angles to each other and at right angles to their direction of motion.4. The region surrounding a moving electric charge which consists of magnetic and electric force fields especially related; such as, to orientation and strength, and that possesses a definite amount of energy.
5. A field created by the interplay of an electric field and a magnetic field when an electric current passes through a wire.
An electromagnetic field consists of two kinds of energy: electrostatic (potential energy) and electrodynamic (kinetic energy).
2. The magnetic moment of a current-carrying coil, equal to the product of the current, the number of turns, and the area of the coil.
3. The vector magnetic moment of a current-carrying coil, equal to the product of the current, the number of turns, and the area of the coil.
The direction is given by the right-hand rule (right hand rule) or hand rule, which refers to a current-carrying wire where the rule is that if the fingers of the right hand are placed around the wire so that the thumb points in the direction of current flow, the fingers will be pointing in the direction of the magnetic field produced by the wire.
2. The magnetic dipole moment which an electron possesses by virtue of its spin.
3. The total magnetic dipole moment associated with the orbital motion of all the electrons of an atom and the electron spins.
This is opposed to a nuclear magnetic moment.
2. The point where the meridians join; for example, where the magnetic field is vertical.
Certain atomic nuclei with an odd number of neutrons, protons, or both are subjected to a radio-frequency pulse, causing them to absorb and release energy.
2. A non-invasive method of imaging the body and its organs; as well as, studying tissue metabolism.More details about MRI
The body is placed in a magnetic field which causes certain atomic nuclei to align in the direction of the field. Pulses of radio-frequency radiation are then applied; interpretation of the frequencies absorbed and re-emitted allows an image in any body plane to be built up.
Different tissues; for example, fat and water, can be separately identified and, if the resonance signal for the fat is suppressed, then only the signal from any abnormalities in the fat can be identified.
Many diseases result in a rise in the water content of tissues; so, MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a valuable test for identifying certain diseases.
The statements of these four equations are as follows:
- Electric field diverges from electric charge.
- There are no isolated magnetic poles.
- Electric fields are produced by changing magnetic fields.
- Circulating magnetic fields are produced by changing electric fields and by electric currents.
Maxwell based his description of electromagnetic fields on these four statements.
It has been proposed as a storage option to support large-scale use of photovoltaics as a means to smooth out fluctuations in power generation.
The intensity of a magnetic field can be measured by placing a current-carrying conductor in the field. The magnetic field exerts a force on the conductor, a force which depends on the amount of the current and on the length of the conductor.
One tesla is defined as the field intensity generating one newton of force per ampere of current per meter of conductor.
One tesla represents a magnetic flux density of one weber per square meter of area. A field of one tesla is quite strong: the strongest fields available in laboratories are about 20 teslas, and the earth's magnetic flux density, at its surface, is about 50 microteslas (µT); and one tesla equals 10,000 gauss.
Magnetic fields are measured in units of tesla (T). The tesla is a large unit for geophysical observations, and a smaller unit, the nanotesla (nT; one nanotesla equals 10−9 tesla), is normally used.
A nanotesla is equivalent to one gamma, a unit originally defined as 10−5 gauss, which is the unit of magnetic field in the centimeter-gram-second system. Both the gauss and the gamma are still frequently used in the literature on geomagnetism even though they are no longer standard units.
The tesla, defined in 1958, honors the Serbian-American electrical engineer Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), whose work in electromagnetic induction led to the first practical generators and motors using alternating current.