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Someone who has a lot of wealth and power; especially, an individual in a big business or an industry: Tom, a newspaper reporter, went to a meeting to interview an oil magnate and his competitions with other countries.
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magni-, magn-; magna
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magnate, magnet
magnate (MAG nayt") (noun)
An individual having power, rank, and influence, often in a specific area of expertise: Marcus was a magnate in the area of computer programming.
magnet (MAG nit) (noun)
1. A piece of iron or steel which produces an attracting power which draws smaller pieces of iron, steel, etc. to it: Luis picked up the scattered nails on the floor by using a magnet.
2. That which attracts: The seashore was a magnet for holiday vacationers who knew that they could enjoy the sunshine every day in the summer.
2. That which attracts: The seashore was a magnet for holiday vacationers who knew that they could enjoy the sunshine every day in the summer.
The presence of the famed industrial magnate was a powerful magnet for other industrialists to attend the symphony fund raising event.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group M; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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