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(Latin: large, big, great; much, abundant)
Word Entries containing the term:
A hip joint with an abnormally large femoral head which is part of the long bone in the thigh that goes from the hip joint to the knee.
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coxa-, coxo-, cox-
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Magna cum laude. (Latin term)
Translation: "With great distinction."
Magna cum laude is used with reference to a university or college graduating degree, diploma, etc.: Thomas was conferred with Magna cum laude after completion of his courses at his university, which was of a higher standard than the average honors presented, the highest distinction being "summa cum laude".
Magna cum laude is used with reference to a university or college graduating degree, diploma, etc.: Thomas was conferred with Magna cum laude after completion of his courses at his university, which was of a higher standard than the average honors presented, the highest distinction being "summa cum laude".
Magna est veritas et praevalebit. (Latin term)
Translation: "Great is truth and it will prevail."
This entry is located in the following unit:
magni-, magn-; magna
(page 1)
Magna est veritas et praevalet. (Latin term)
Translation: "Great is truth, and it prevails."
This entry is located in the following unit:
magni-, magn-; magna
(page 1)
Magna est vis consuetudinis. (Latin term)
Translation: "Great is the force of habit."
This entry is located in the following units:
Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group M
(page 1)
magni-, magn-; magna
(page 1)
Magna servitus est magna fortuna. (Latin term)
Translation: "A great fortune is a great slavery."
This entry is located in the following unit:
magni-, magn-; magna
(page 1)