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(Latin: madness; crazy, rave, deranged; literally, to go off the furrow; from delirare, "to turn aside from the furrow", whence arose the meanings "to deviate, to become deranged, to be crazy, or to be delirious")
(Greek: madness, fury, rage, frenzy; relationship to rabies)
(Greek: a specific mental disorder or obsessive preoccupation with something; madness, frenzy; obsession, or abnormal desire for or with something or someone; also, an excessive enthusiasm or fondness for something that is not safe or advantageous)
(Latin: madness, to be mad; to rave, to be furious)
Word Entries at Get Words:
1. A condition of severe mental illness: The girl's parents suffered a series of tragedies that almost drove them to madness.
2. Behavior or thinking which is very dangerous or foolish: The teenager was thought to be at the height of madness when he was driving so fast through the city streets.
2. Behavior or thinking which is very dangerous or foolish: The teenager was thought to be at the height of madness when he was driving so fast through the city streets.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group M
(page 1)