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madam, madame
madam (MAD uhm) (noun)
1. A respectful form of address to a woman when the actual name is not known: In answer to her questions, the youth spoke respectfully, addressing her as Madam.
2. The female head of a house of prostitution: The madam of the brothel also ran a bar to serve wine, beer, and liquor.
3. When capitalized, used to designate rank or position of a woman in a business or governmental context: Madam Chairperson began the meeting punctually.
2. The female head of a house of prostitution: The madam of the brothel also ran a bar to serve wine, beer, and liquor.
3. When capitalized, used to designate rank or position of a woman in a business or governmental context: Madam Chairperson began the meeting punctually.
madame (muh DAM, MAD uhm) (noun)
Term of reference and address to a woman who is not from an English-speaking country: The concierge asked, "Please, Madame, would you like me to order a taxi for you?"
One can get into some very sticky social situations by addressing an older woman of great dignity as "madame" if she is not aware of the nuances between being addressed as "madam" and being referred to as a "madam".
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group M; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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