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maculate (verb), maculates; maculated; maculating
1. To mark someone or something with a spot, a blotch, or a blemish: In order to avoid losing her clothing while she was in the hospital, Aurora maculated all of her clothing with a large 'X'.
2. To spot or to mark with changes in the color of skin that is neither raised nor depressed, or any anatomical structures having the form of a spot or stain: The disease caused the patient’s skin to maculate with dark brown spots in a distinctive pattern.
2. To spot or to mark with changes in the color of skin that is neither raised nor depressed, or any anatomical structures having the form of a spot or stain: The disease caused the patient’s skin to maculate with dark brown spots in a distinctive pattern.
This entry is located in the following unit:
macul-, maculat-
(page 1)