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1. This is equal to logotype, that is a single piece of typeface with a composite, like a slogan, a trademark, and/or an emblem; therefore, an identifying statement or symbol.
2. A design used by an organization on its letterhead advertising material, and signs as an emblem by which the organization can easily be recognized.
2. A design used by an organization on its letterhead advertising material, and signs as an emblem by which the organization can easily be recognized.
This entry is located in the following unit:
logo-, log-, -logia, -logic, -logical, -logism, -logician, -logian, -logue
(page 4)
(Greek: talk, speak; speech; word; a person who speaks in a certain manner; someone who deals with topics or subjects)
Word Entries containing the term:
Unit Test, Logo (Speak, Word) Words
Logo Words, Quiz #1.