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literally (adverb); more literally, most literally
A description of how something completely true is stated in an emphasised way, word for word: Anne literally broke her left wrist when she slipped on the ice and fell down.

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Units related to:
(Greek: one another, of one another; literally, "the other"; reciprocally; in mutual relation)
(Latin: harena; sand, sandy place, sea-shore; place of combat [literally, "place strewn with sand"])
(Old Norse: berserkar, literally, “bear’s skin”; a Norse-myth warrior)
(Greek: insertion; literally, "something thrown in")
(Greek: wrist [literally, "that which turns"])
(Greek: thunderbolt, thunder, lightning [literally, "smasher, crusher"])
(Latin: around, about, surrounding, closed curve, circling, circular on all sides; literally, "in a circle")
(Greek: bacteria; literally, a "berry, kernel")
(Latin: to agree, to come together, to correspond with; "suitable, proper," from Latin congruentem, congruens, "agreeing, fit, suitable" from congruere, literally, "to come together, to agree, to meet", from com-, "with, together" + gruere, ruere, "to fall, to rush")
(Greek: pupil of the eye; kore, literally, "girl" to mean both "doll" and "pupil of the eye")
(Latin: bark, rind; literally, that which is "stripped off"; used in its extended senses, chief among these being "pertaining to the outer layer of a bodily organ, especially the brain")
(Latin: raw, not cooked; literally, trickling with blood, bleeding; raw, bloody, cruel)
(Latin: madness; crazy, rave, deranged; literally, to go off the furrow; from delirare, "to turn aside from the furrow", whence arose the meanings "to deviate, to become deranged, to be crazy, or to be delirious")
(Greek: devil, demon [literally, "to throw across;" then, "to attack, to slander"])
(Latin: different, separate, opposite; literally, turned away [from each other])
(Portuguese: doudo, literally, "stupid")
(Greek: image, figure, form, shape; literally, "that which is seen")
(Greek: insect, bug; literally, "cut up, cut in pieces"; an insect because it appears to be segmented)
(Greek > Latin: literally, guardian of the bed)
(Greek: Hermes, the son of Zeus and Maia, the god of commerce and messenger of the gods in Greek mythology; identified by the Romans as Mercury; however, some of the words in this unit come from Hermes tris megistos, Hermes Trismegistus, literally, "Hermes, Thrice the Greatest" referring to the Egyptian god Thoth, who was identified with the Greek god Hermes, of science and arts)
(Latin: human beings, mankind; literally, "man, men"; however, it now also includes, "woman, women" or all of humanity)
(Greek: denoting u-shaped [upsilon-shaped]; hyoid bone, literally, "mere" or "simple" y, ypsilon)
(Latin: funnel; literally, "the [little] thing into which something is poured"; a funnel-shaped organ of the body)
(Latin: a bug; literally, "cut into," from insectum, with a notched or divided body; literally, "that which is cut up, segmented" [as the bodies of the first invertebrates to which the term was applied or appeared to be])
(Hebrew, jobel, literally, "ram"; from the ram's horn with which the year of celebration was proclaimed; from Latin jubilaeus (annus), "year of jubilee".)
(Latin: concise, abrupt; literally, resembling the style of the Lacedaemonians or Spartans)
(Latin: muscle; literally, "little mouse")
(Greek: goddess of victory in Greek mythology; literally, victory)
(Greek: ovary, egg [literally, "egg-carrier"; extended to mean ovary])
(Greek: fossil, mineral; dug, dig; literally "thing dug")
(Greek: dusky; literally, having the color of the twilight sky)
(Greek: to show, to appear, or to display; making evident; literally, "to come to light" or "to bring to light")
(Latin: prandium, literally, that which is eaten early)
(Greek: old, relationship to old age, elderly, elder; literally, "he that goes first")
(Greek > Latin: literally, "something thrown forward, to throw forward")
(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life; literally, "that which breathes" or "breathing")
(Latin: uneasiness, anxiety, doubt, especially, over a moral issue; literally, "small, sharp stone or pebble")
(Latin: a speaking, talking, delivering religious messages; literally, "that which is put together in a certain order")
(Latin > French: to seek amusement, literally, "to carry oneself in the opposite direction")
(Greek: Greek herald in the Trojan war [Greek mythology]; powerful voice [literally, "groaner, roarer"])
(Greek: to cut, cutting; literally, a piece cut off)
(Latin: Termes, a worm that eats wood, woodworm; literally, "the boring worm")
(Latin: frightful, fearful; fear; fright; literally, causing terror)
(Greek: roof of the mouth; literally, "little vault of heaven")
(Latin: [small] blister; literally, "small bladder")
(Latin: womb, matrix; literally, "a covering, a wrapper")
(Greek: stormy wind, whirlwind; from Greek mythology, Aëllo, a harpy; whose name literally means, "Stormswift")
(Latin: literally tongue; and by extension, speech, language)
(Latin: musum, "muzzle, snout"; Old French muser "to meditate, to ponder", perhaps literally "to go around with one's nose in the air" from muse "muzzle, snout")