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(Greek: late, later)
(Greek: katta to Late Latin: cattus)
(Greek: korizesthai, "to caress"; via Late Latin: corisma)
(Greek > Late Latin: to do, to accomplish)
(Greek -issa > Late Latin -issa > Old French -esse > Middle English -esse: a suffix that forms nouns meaning a female +++, as in lioness, tigress, heiress, hostess, and sculptress)
(from Late Latin, 1526, genuflectionem (genuflexio), from stem of genuflectere "genuflect", from Latin genu, "knee" + flectere< "to bend")
(Greek: shortcoming, deficiency; to be behind, to come late, to lag; later)
(Latin: to lurk; to lie hidden, to be hidden)
(Latin: to bear; to carry)
(Greek: (martus, martur-); Late Greek: (martur); Late Ecclesiastical Latin (martyr), Old English (martyr), Middle English (martir); witness)
(Latin: from Old French seculer; from Late Latin sæcularis, worldly, living in the world, not belonging to a religious order; from saecularis, pertaining to a generation or age; from saeculum, saeclum, period of a man's life, generation; period of a hundred years)
(Latin: weighty, important, grave [from French sérieux (feminine sériuse), from Late Latin seriosus, from earlier Latin serius])
(Latin: Chinese, from Medieval Latin Sinicus, "Chinese", from Sina, "China", from Late Latin Sinae, "the Chinese"; Sino-, "Chinese people, language, etc.")
(Late Latin: feeler, to feel; a flexible appendage serving as an organ for moving around or for touching)
Word Entries containing the term:
widow of the late (whoever is "late" [dead]) *
This entry is located in the following unit:
Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 24)
Word Entries at Get Words:
late (adjective), later, latest
1. A reference to that which exists close to the end of a time period: The thunder storms happened in late summer.
Randy's back problems started when he was in his late fifties.
2. A descriptive term for something that happens after a normal, desired, or expected time: Norma's flight landed a half hour later than scheduled.Jeremy was late with his car payment; so, the company sent someone out to get the car back.