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laryngeal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to the larynx: Because Lynn had a laryngeal infection, Dr. Smith, the ottorhinolarynologist, said that she should not talk at all, stay home, and and not teach in school for a whole week.
2. A speech sound produced by constriction the larynx: Ginny spoke with a laryngeal, or creaky, voice by tightening her larynx to make very low sounds.
2. A speech sound produced by constriction the larynx: Ginny spoke with a laryngeal, or creaky, voice by tightening her larynx to make very low sounds.
This entry is located in the following units:
-al; -ial, -eal
(page 17)
laryng-, laryngo- +
(page 1)
(Greek: ring; used in the extended sense of pertaining to the [ring-shaped] cartilage that forms the back and lower part of the laryngeal cavity)
Word Entries containing the term:
Injury to the vocal cords in the throat, whether accidental, as in a traffic accident; or iatrogenic, which is a complication resulting from some kind of medical treatment: "Laryngeal trauma of the woman's father came from damage that was caused by anesthesia and surgery that was being performed on his larynx or respiratory tract in his throat."
This entry is located in the following unit:
traumat-, traumato-, trauma-, traum-, -trauma, -traumatic, -traumatically +
(page 1)